
摘要: 美國青光眼研究基金會(GRF)所支持的Catalyst for a cur研究計畫主持人、加州大學聖地牙哥分校(UCSD)教授 Jeffrey L. Goldberg 於2013年撰文談及他對修復輕估眼視覺損傷的看法。雖然目前青光眼的治療,僅能以控制眼壓的方式來阻止或延緩病情進展,但除了降眼壓之外的視神經保護研究,科學家正不斷努力促使其從實驗室邁向臨床試驗,例如UCSD已進行臨床第一期的CNTF(睫狀神經滋養因子)治療青光眼試驗。儘管修復青光眼視覺損傷的研究並非一蹴可幾,但藉由臨床試驗經驗的累績,並在實驗室與臨床試驗的循環間不斷加以修正調整,Goldberg教授對於未來的研究抱持很高的希望。

 Regenerating Lost Vision in Glaucoma




What can we do when patients have lost functional vision in glaucoma? When we catch glaucoma early enough, we are fortunate in much of the developed world to be able to lower eye pressure with medicine or sometimes surgery and thereby slow the progress of the disease and prevent significant vision loss.

But what about when we don’t catch glaucoma early enough? For many patients in the United States, and perhaps most glaucoma patients around the world, diagnosis and treatment come too little or too late.

For patients who are on their way to losing or have already lost visual function—whether experiencing blurry or missing spots in their peripheral view, or loss of central vision, or legal or total blindness—lowering intraocular pressure is not enough. Also, many patients simply do not respond to treatment to lower pressure. These factors together make glaucoma the leading cause of irreversible blindness.

The fundamental problem with glaucoma therapy today is that it treats the main risk factor — eye pressure — without addressing the underlying reason for vision loss, which is damage to the retinal ganglion cells and their axons, which carry visual information through the optic nerve to the brain.

New Therapies on the Horizon

Fortunately, a number of new therapies in glaucoma are finally beginning to move from the laboratory to the clinic for human testing. Some of these are directed at preventing retinal ganglion cell and optic nerve degeneration, called “neuroprotection,” others at regrowing retinal ganglion cell axons down the optic nerve towards the brain, termed “regeneration”, and still others at replacing retinal ganglion cells altogether.

Human clinical trials, typically posted on the website, have begun to recruit and study patients with regenerative medicines in the form of topical eyedrops, intravitreal injections, or surgical implants. Our Phase I trial using a surgical implant to deliver ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF), a molecule known to promote neuroprotection and regeneration in models of glaucoma, will be completed this September and the data analyzed thereafter. A review of other treatments moving into human testing was recently published in Ophthalmology.

Advances in clinical trial design itself, and in measures of glaucoma diagnosis and progression, will also be critical to bringing new therapies through human testing to eventual approval. We cannot predict whether any of the current generation of new treatments being tested will prove protective, let alone restorative for patients’ vision. It is likely that therapies will have to cycle back and forth between the clinic and the laboratory. With every clinical trial, we will learn from the patients’ experiences and return to the lab to refine and improve candidate treatments, before testing in humans again.

Nevertheless, hope remains high for neuroprotection and regeneration in glaucoma.


Article by Jeffrey L. Goldberg, MD, PhD, Professor of Ophthalmology and Director of Research at the Shiley Eye Center, University of California San Diego. Dr. Goldberg is a principal investigator in the Catalyst for a Cure research consortium, developed by Glaucoma Research Foundation to accelerate the pace of discovery toward a cure for glaucoma.

Last reviewed on February 14, 2014


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